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Two 120 foot deep wells will provide you with years and years of water. One well services the home via a well pump and a 1200 gallon water tank in it's own shed. The other well is located near the back of the property with a 10,000 gallon water storage tank intended for irrigation and/or cows, horses, etc.

There are also two greywater systems. One of the greywater systems was just upgraded last year making it practically brand new. We have provided you with pictures of that project below in addition to photos of the well pump, water storage tank, etc. The greywater sytems also provide water to the trees in front and in back of the house. The house is on septic which was just inspected two years ago and passed with flying colors.

Drinking, bathing, cooking, cleaning, and irrigation from house plants to crops, clean water is more valubale than gold. A major benefit to living in this area is that we are sitting on top of one of North America's largest and cleanest aquifers. , Not only does the water taste amazing but it's also going to provide you and your family (your furry family members, too) with some of the best mineral-rich water Mother Nature has to offer.  A far cry from the water we find in the tap of every major city or what passes as healthy water purchased from the grocery store. Best of all, it's FREE! No more monthly water bills!

Greywater project

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